DMD returns -1073741819 despite success

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Mon Apr 6 07:29:56 PDT 2009

A. Jung Wrote:

> Since DMD 2.017, DMD returns -1073741819, despite linking was successful with an output exe successfully generated:
> "Linking executable: bin\debug\test.exe
> Process terminated with status -1073741819 (0 minutes, 3 seconds)
> 0 errors, 0 warnings"
c:\dev\d\win>\dev\dmd\bin\dmd tmp.d -I.. -oftmp.exe -w

c:\dev\d\win>echo %errorlevel%

c:\dev\d\win>\dev\dmd\bin\link tmp.obj

c:\dev\d\win>echo %errorlevel%

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