[Issue 4593] (DMD 2.047) Access Violation in unittest build

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sat Aug 7 13:44:36 PDT 2010


--- Comment #4 from Adrian Matoga <epi at atari8.info> 2010-08-07 13:44:35 PDT ---
Hmm, this seems to be a lot more subtle thing.

Could you try the following:

import std.string;
import std.contracts;
import std.conv;

interface Image
    static Image open(string path, string type, bool readOnly = true)
        auto img = newObj(path, type);
        img.openImpl(path, readOnly);
        return img;

    static Image open(string path, bool readOnly = true)
        return open(path, autoType(path), readOnly);

    void openImpl(string path, bool readOnly);

    static Image newObj(string path, string type)
        auto image = cast(Image) Object.factory(tolower(type) ~ "." ~
capitalize(type) ~ "Image");
        version (unittest)
            if (image is null)
                image = cast(Image) Object.factory("image." ~ capitalize(type)
~ "Image");
        enforce(image, "Unknown image format: " ~ type);
        return image;

    static string autoType(string path)
        auto sp = path.split(".");
        return sp.length ? sp[$ - 1] : "";

import std.stdio;

void main()
    writeln("Hello world!");

dmd -oftest.exe -unittest main.d image.d

For me, this also fails on XP SP3 (x86).

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