[Issue 5467] library-based typedef

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu Jan 20 08:53:06 PST 2011


--- Comment #1 from Trass3r <mrmocool at gmx.de> 2011-01-20 08:51:08 PST ---
And that's the latest code draft I could find:

enum Type

struct Typedef( T, Type type = Type.Sub, T init = T.init, string _f = __FILE__,
int _l = __LINE__ )
    T payload = init;

    static if ( type != Type.Independent )
        this( T value )
            payload = value;
    static if ( type == Type.Sub)
        // typedef int foo; foo f;
        // f.opCast!(t)() == cast(t) f
        T opCast(T)()
            return payload;
    static if ( type == Type.Sub || type == Type.Parallel )
        alias payload this;
    static if ( type == Type.Super )
        typeof( this ) opAssign( T value )
            payload = value;
            return this;
    else static if ( type == Type.Sub )
        @disable void opAssign( T value );

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