[Issue 9834] template+class+FunctionLiteral=AccessViolation

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sat Mar 30 13:09:28 PDT 2013


--- Comment #2 from Kenji Hara <k.hara.pg at gmail.com> 2013-03-30 13:09:28 PDT ---
Ok, I found the root cause.

    version(bad) void set(void delegate() h) pure { dg = h; }  // AV occurs
    else         void set(void delegate() h)      { dg = h; }  // no AV

// -version=bad
c:\d\test.d:14         this() {
004020ec: 55                      push ebp
004020ed: 8bec                    mov ebp, esp
004020ef: 83ec04                  sub esp, 0x4
004020f2: 53                      push ebx
004020f3: 56                      push esi
004020f4: 8945fc                  mov [ebp-0x4], eax
c:\d\test.d:15             o = new Object;
004020f7: b880f34100              mov eax, 0x41f380
004020fc: 50                      push eax
004020fd: e87e020000              call 0x402380 __d_newclass
00402102: 8b4dfc                  mov ecx, [ebp-0x4]
00402105: 894108                  mov [ecx+0x8], eax
c:\d\test.d:16             ev.set((){
00402108: ba2c214000              mov edx, 0x40212c
0040210d: 52                      push edx
0040210e: 8d5dfc                  lea ebx, [ebp-0x4]
00402111: 53                      push ebx
00402112: 8b75fc                  mov esi, [ebp-0x4]
00402115: 8b460c                  mov eax, [esi+0xc]
00402118: 83c004                  add eax, 0x4
0040211b: e8f0feffff              call 0x402010 test.Event.set c:\d\test.d:6
00402120: 8b45fc                  mov eax, [ebp-0x4]
00402123: 83c404                  add esp, 0x4
c:\d\test.d:19         }
00402126: 5e                      pop esi
00402127: 5b                      pop ebx
00402128: c9                      leave
00402129: c3                      ret

c:\d\test.d:14         this() {
004020ec: 55                      push ebp
004020ed: 8bec                    mov ebp, esp
004020ef: 83ec08                  sub esp, 0x8
004020f2: 53                      push ebx
004020f3: 56                      push esi
004020f4: 8945fc                  mov [ebp-0x4], eax
004020f7: 6a08                    push 0x8                        <--
004020f9: e8ee020000              call 0x4023ec __d_allocmemory    <--
004020fe: 8945f8                  mov [ebp-0x8], eax            <--
00402101: 8b4dfc                  mov ecx, [ebp-0x4]            <--
00402104: 8908                    mov [eax], ecx                <--
00402106: 8b55fc                  mov edx, [ebp-0x4]            <--
00402109: 895004                  mov [eax+0x4], edx            <--
c:\d\test.d:15             o = new Object;
0040210c: bb80f34100              mov ebx, 0x41f380
00402111: 53                      push ebx
00402112: e87d020000              call 0x402394 __d_newclass
00402117: 8b75fc                  mov esi, [ebp-0x4]
0040211a: 894608                  mov [esi+0x8], eax
c:\d\test.d:16             ev.set((){
0040211d: b840214000              mov eax, 0x402140
00402122: 50                      push eax
00402123: ff75f8                  push dword [ebp-0x8]
00402126: 8b4dfc                  mov ecx, [ebp-0x4]
00402129: 8b410c                  mov eax, [ecx+0xc]
0040212c: 83c004                  add eax, 0x4
0040212f: e8dcfeffff              call 0x402010 test.Event.set c:\d\test.d:7
00402134: 8b45fc                  mov eax, [ebp-0x4]
00402137: 83c408                  add esp, 0x8
c:\d\test.d:19         }
0040213a: 5e                      pop esi
0040213b: 5b                      pop ebx
0040213c: c9                      leave
0040213d: c3                      ret

With -version=bad, heap allocation for closure variable does not performed.
Therefore, compiler wrongly judges that the lambda (){o.toString();} is "scope

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