[Issue 17355] Path to lib64 and $(DMDInstallDir) not correct

via Digitalmars-d-bugs digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Fri Apr 28 14:17:06 PDT 2017


--- Comment #3 from Thomas <thomas.hedstrom at mail.com> ---
After a lot of uninstalling/installing DMD/VisualD, my previous global settings
for library path etc was still not "refreshed". I suspected some remains from
older installations so resided to removing all of Visual D remains in the
registry / VisualStudio settings manually. Quite a lot.

When I finally got a hopefully fresh set of global "Visual D Settings" it was
back to the same problem as before, $(DMDInstallDir) = .\

Though it seems to have found the path since in the registry it's correct.
Found two keys named "DMDInstallDir" = "C:\D\dmd2". Under:
D Settings

Setting the "DMD install path" manually in the global settings will do as a
work-around but it does not seem to fill it in automatically.

Also, is there a need for an option to force clean/default settings during
installation maybe?


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