[Issue 13153] dlang.org: provide version-specific documentation of the language and stdlib

via Digitalmars-d-bugs digitalmars-d-bugs at puremagic.com
Mon Jul 3 18:53:49 PDT 2017


--- Comment #6 from Seb <greensunny12 at gmail.com> ---
See NG:


> Could you please give a bit of insight in why that's difficult? My ignorant take on this is: create a sandbox with all of dmd, druntime, phobos, tools, and dlang.org at the same point in time and then build the documentation. If building documentation succeeded then, it should succeed now. Please disabuse me of that notion :o).

Yeah I had this ignorant view in the beginning as well ... and then I tried it
It's an immense PITA because
- the Makefile change so often -> they randomly break
- older versions of the compiler need patching to be able to compile
- older versions of the docs need a very specific compiler
- one needs to overwrite a lot of Makefile variables
- Ddox is extremely annoying because
  - older packages use incompatible headers to OpenSSL, libevent
  - older DUB releases (<1.0.0) weren't really "stable" 

Anyhow I think I finally managed to create the snapshots and dump them on a

Especially the docs.json files are interesting, because - if properly merged -
we could generate a symbol history out of them.

> (greensunny12 at gmail.com are you Seb?)

Yep, sorry, for some reasons I happen to have two Bugzilla accounts.


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