[Issue 17845] [ICE] backend\cgcod.c 1677

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Thu Sep 21 09:13:38 UTC 2017


--- Comment #2 from Mr. Smith <mrsmith33 at yandex.ru> ---
Looks like the problem is with the use of delegate. When switching to function
it works.

void main()
    struct Row
        @Column!Row((ref Row r, scope SinkT s){ s("test"); })
        uint fileSize;
    auto formatters = parseRowInfo!Row;

alias SinkT = void delegate(const(char)[]);

// Internal error: ddmd\backend\cgcod.c 1677 when function -> delegate
alias Formatter(Row) = void function(ref Row row, scope SinkT sink);

struct Column(Row)
    Formatter!Row formatter;

Formatter!Row[] parseRowInfo(Row)()
    import std.traits;
    Formatter!Row[] formatters;
    Row r;
    foreach(string memberName; __traits(allMembers, Row))
        foreach(attr; __traits(getAttributes, __traits(getMember, r,
            static if (is(typeof(attr) == Column!Row))
                formatters ~= attr.formatter;
    return formatters;


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