[Issue 18698] static foreach + __traits(allMembers, moduleName)

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sun Apr 1 13:28:16 UTC 2018


--- Comment #11 from Ketmar Dark <ketmar at ketmar.no-ip.org> ---
  module test;
  foreach(m; __traits(allMembers, test))
    pragma(msg, m);

rdmd --force --compiler=ldc --eval="pragma(msg, __VERSION__);"

rdmd --force --compiler=ldc -c test.d
test.d(2): Error: declaration expected, not 'foreach'
test.d(2): Error: declaration expected, not '__traits'
test.d(5): Error: unrecognized declaration

2.073 is *way* before `static foreach`.

so please, code sample and compiler version. if it used to work, and now
doesn't, this is clearly a regression nobody noticed.

the same for old `foreach` code that doesn't work as it used to work before,


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