[Issue 21775] std.typecons.RefCounted, std.container.array.Array, & similar structs that manage their own memory do not need to be scanned unless GC-allocated memory is reachable through them

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Sun Mar 28 02:33:35 UTC 2021


--- Comment #1 from Dlang Bot <dlang-bot at dlang.rocks> ---
@n8sh created dlang/phobos pull request #7923 "std.typecons.RefCounted,
std.container.array.Array, & similar structs that manage their own memory do
not need to be scanned unless GC-allocated memory is reachable through them"
mentioning this issue:

- Issue 21775 - std.typecons.RefCounted, std.container.array.Array, & similar
structs that manage their own memory do not need to be scanned unless
GC-allocated memory is reachable through them



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