[Issue 23259] Visibility entirely ignored by the compiler

d-bugmail at puremagic.com d-bugmail at puremagic.com
Tue Jul 19 11:18:02 UTC 2022


--- Comment #2 from LucienPe <lucien.perregaux at gmail.com> ---
(In reply to LucienPe from comment #1)
> In fact, the bug has nothing to do with templates, the visibility is totally
> ignored :
> ```
> class C { private int h = 8; }
> void main()
> {
>     C c = new C();
>     writeln(c.h); // compiles
> }
> ```

Nevermind, the DIP states "Private class members are, technically, private
module members".

However, this example is still (in)valid :

module main;

import c;
import std.stdio;

void main()
        auto c = new C!string(8);

module c;

import std.stdio;

class C(T, Args...)
        this(int i, Args args)
                string str = "private ctor should not be called !";
                //assert(0, str);

        void f(U, V...)(int i, V v)
                string str = "private function should not be called !";
                //assert(0, str);
        this(Args args)
                writeln("public ctor should be called !");

        void f(V...)(V v)
                writeln("public function should be called !");

and produces:
private ctor should not be called !
private function should not be called !


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