ddbg suggestion

bobef asdasd at asdalfksdj85.asdasld
Wed Apr 4 07:03:44 PDT 2007

I see. Then how to get the both outputs to the front end and let it know which one is which?

Jascha Wetzel Wrote:

> hm, i guess i misunderstood you.
> prefixing the debuggee's output requires intercepting it's output, which is not a good idea.
> prefixing the debugger's output isn't unambiguous, since the debuggee can always use the same prefix.
> therefore, the best solution is to separate the two output streams by using different consoles, as implemented by the "nc" command. i'd recommend that you consider using this solution.
> as i said, i can add a configurable prefix for the debugger's output, but that's pretty hacky, imho.
> Jascha Wetzel <[firstname]@mainia.de> Wrote:
> > ok, to be sure, i'll make the prefix configurable.
> > personally, i use a new console when using Code::Blocks as a front end.
> > i wonder if a that ouput could be redirected to a front end as well.
> > 
> > bobef wrote:
> > > There is need. To create a font end the two things must be separated. Also the prefix don't have to be "unique", it just have to be something that is different from the debugger's output. Say the debugee's output is prefixed with # or $ or whatever. I doubt that any message of the debugger starts with $ (or something other). So when the line begins with $ just strip the $ and the rest is debugee's output, otherwise it is debugger's.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Jascha Wetzel <[firstname]@mainia.de> Wrote:
> > > 
> > >> you can use the "nc" command before starting the debuggee to make ddbg
> > >> open a new console for it. i think that's the best solution for that
> > >> problem. no prefix can be unique and it's a lot more readable to
> > >> separate the ouput properly.
> > >> i will still consider adding a prefix as an option if there is need for it.
> > >>
> > >> bobef wrote:
> > >>> The debugee's output must be distinguished from the debuggers's output by prefix or something. Otherwise it is impossible for non-human to say which one is which. A single character would do nicely.
> > > 

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