[ddbg bug]

Jascha Wetzel "[firstname]" at mainia.de
Tue Apr 24 00:19:51 PDT 2007

> * bool seems to print out as a string of 1 character
> [...]
> * ubyte[] seems to try to print as a string too.

both are due to the CV types DMD assigns to these symbols. bugzilla
#1104 and #1107

> * Can you wrap the info printed out by "help" to something like 78

will do - next release

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Wow!  ddbg has become much more awesome since I last tried it! This is
> actually really usable now!  0.1b was crashing on me (invalid utf-8
> error) when my program opened a Window, so I had given up using it for
> now, but just tried 0.1.1b and works like a charm.
> Here are a couple of minor issues:
> * bool seems to print out as a string of 1 character with ascii value of
> 0 or 1.  So with DOS codepage 437, that means false is a smiley face,
> and true is the reverse smiley face.
> ~~~~~~
> ->= texobj.tex.uploaded
> "☺"
> ~~~~~~
> * ubyte[] seems to try to print as a string too.  I get "Invalid UTF-8"
> from some image data stored as ubyte[].  ubyte[] should probably be
> printed out using the same format as 'dm'.
> * Can you wrap the info printed out by "help" to something like 78
> columns?  On a standard 80 column console the help info is very hard to
> read.  Similarly the format for 'dm' seems to be exactly 81 columns,
> which is unfortunate.
> --bb

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