FPU stack and XMM registers in ddbg

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 18:51:53 PDT 2007


any chance we could get the following commands in an upcoming release of

df: Dumps FPU stack, formatted as floating point numbers.
dx TYPE: Dumps the XMM registers, formatting them as the given type (ie:
float to display as 4 32-bit floats, ubyte to display as 16 8-bit
unsigned integers, etc.).

I've been using ddbg to play around with optimising some of my vector
code, and being able to dump the XMM registers would be massively
helpful (why are you returning 9 and not 14 you silly dot product?!).
The FPU stack one is more out of curiosity than anything else :)

Also, I don't think I've said this before, but thanks very much for
writing and working on ddbg: it's an absolute god-send, especially since
WinDBG seems to crash on disassembling SSE code and NASM can't seem to
disassemble it properly either.

	-- Daniel

int getRandomNumber()
    return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll.
              // guaranteed to be random.


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