ddbg 0.3

Jascha Wetzel "[firstname]" at mainia.de
Tue Feb 27 04:17:11 PST 2007

Here is my first shot at extending the syntax to include casts.
You should be able to do things like
with it.
Any comments?

Expr                 = RefChain | Cast RefChain
RefChain             = ExprElem | ExprElem RefExpr
ExprElem             = Ident | '(' Expr ')'
RefExpr              = '.' ExprChain | '[' Args ']' RefExpr

Cast                 = 'cast' '(' Type ')'
Type                 = BasicType | BasicType QuantList
QuantList            = Quantifier | Quantifier QuanList
Quantifier   	     = '*' | '[' ']' | '[' Type ']'
BasicType            = 'void' | 'bool' | 'byte' | 'ubyte' | 'char'
                     | ... all the others ...

Args                 = Slice | Lit | Expr
Slice                = SlArg '..' SlArg
SlArg                = Lit | Expr
Lit                  = Int | Float | Str | Char | '$'

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