Debug variables showing when not in scope in Visual D

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Mon Oct 29 07:39:14 UTC 2018

On 29/10/2018 08:32, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> On 28/10/2018 18:35, Michelle Long wrote:
>> Debug variables are showing when not in scope. Is it possible to remove
>> them? They also show before they are actually defined in the source code.
>> int x = 0; < BP here, y and z are shown in the locals.
>> int y = 3;
>> {
>>    int z = 4;
>> }
>> // z is when when here.
>> One ends up with a huge list of variables of all the locals when they
>> don't even "exist". I'm using the Mago debugger.
> That used to work for dmd, but it seems to have regressed (still works
> for try/catch blocks). IIRC LDC does not emit appropriate debug information.

Sorry, I slightly misremembered. The respective debug information is
only emitted by dmd if there are multiple declarations with the same
variables in different scopes in the same function. This still works fine.

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