Natvis, CV8, dAssocArray

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Wed Sep 26 07:37:26 UTC 2018

On 25/09/2018 22:08, Void-995 wrote:
> I almost finished my -gc for Natvis experiment (to use MS C++ Debugger 
> from VS Code, fully translating type names from what comes from DMD 
> frontend to valid C++ type name so Natvis works), but then I encountered 
> dAssocArray, which has form of: void* as CodeView structure member, 
> KeyType __key_t and ValueType __val_t as nested types.
> As for someone who just found about CodeView today: what is nested type, 
> what is the deal with void*, what to do with __key_t and __val_t to get 
> values.

Nested types are types declared in another type, e.g. in C++

struct dAssocArray
	typedef int __key_t;
	typedef long __val_t;
	void* ptr;

The AA data structures are not exposed by the compiler, but the mago 
debugger rebuilds them from these types.

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