Visual D seems to have a new bug

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Fri Oct 4 07:38:30 UTC 2019

On 04/10/2019 01:48, Brett wrote:
> On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 12:04:50 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
>> On 01/10/2019 17:41, Brett wrote:
>>>         this    0x0000016ff0f6b588 {0x000000000001ffff}    P**
>>> +            0x000000000001ffff    P*
>>> -        This    {x=131071}    P
>>> auto This = this;
>>> This is not showing as a pointer, this is a double pointer and seems
>>> to be referring to the first value.
>> The double indirection looks bad. I don't think that mago adds
>> indirections, it only removes some to reduce clutter.
>> I suspect that the debug info is broken. The best tool for dumping it
>> is
> That may very well be because I did just recently update dmd and this is
> when I noticed it... I'm not sure if I updated visual d around that time
> or not.

Could also be due to updates of Visual Studio 2019: I just noticed that
a function wasn't showing any locals. These reappear when setting the VC
linker debug option to "FULL". If you are using a visualdproj project
you currently have to add -L/DEBUG:FULL to the additional command line
options to get the same result.

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