Visual D Debugger long array expansion indexing fix

Brett Brett at
Tue Sep 17 20:04:03 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 17:19:22 UTC, Brett wrote:
> On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 13:48:33 UTC, Brett wrote:
>> does things like [1000...2000]
>> but then lists the values as [0], [1], ...
>> Could it use the absolute values [1000], [1001], etc?
>> That way one doesn't have to do mental arithmetic?
>> Obviously not difficult but I see no reason to not do it.
> Also, can AA arrays have their keys sorted? Lexicographical 
> should work. I see no reason not to sort them, specially when 
> the keys are integers, helps locate values in large arrays much 
> easier.

And maybe add a linear index on AA's so it is easier to locate 
values(and/or show length).

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