WM_DROPFILES (hello Shawn!)

Shawn Liu shawn666.liu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 05:57:47 PST 2006

"bobef" <bobef at lessequal.com> says:dt9qmi$28ho$1 at digitaldaemon.com...
>I trying to add WM_DROPFILES event for the windows version of DWT. I spent 
>few hours studying the DWT internals... I defined new event in DWT, added 
>new event class and all the stuff. I put all the stuff in a new version 
>called SWT_SECT so it could be separated from the original SWT, but I have 
>very strange problem. When I add new case for OS.WM_DROPFILES in the 
>Control's windowProc I get unhandled exception in decorations.d at 941 . Maybe 
>I am doing something wrong? Could you (Shawn) explain briefly what is 
>involved in adding new event handlers to DWT? I plan to add WM_DROPFILES 
>and DDE handlers. Something like addDDEListener(service,topic)... I believe 
>it would be useful to have these in the windows version, and even if they 
>are not included in the official distribution, they are necessary for my 
>project - akide.
> Thank you,
> bobef

I think the additional Windows Message can be handled correctly in DWT.
decorations.d line 941 only complains that there is a null image parameter
passed into the setImages() method.


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