FLTK native in 'D'. Would that be useful?

Dave Dave_member at pathlink.com
Thu Jul 27 12:53:10 PDT 2006

MatthiasM wrote:
> MatthiasM wrote:
>> I ported most of the windowing code, ...
> Here's the link to the source code archive:
> http://fltk.matthiasm.com/fltk.pl?DeeFltk
> *it is a total mess, since it is only a proof of concept*

Not a total mess to me<g> Nice job, and thanks for work done already!

I just happened to notice that there are no private class members in 
window.d (for example) and looking at the original window.h there 
probably should be.

(I do it often - forget about D's 'public by default' when 'porting' C++ 


- Dave

> Nevertheless, it does open a window and handles some events, so the 
> Carbon interface works. Please feel free to comment and give me tips on 
> how to improve my "D".
> Matthias

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