FLTK native in 'D'. Would that be useful?

MatthiasM dm at matthiasm.com
Thu Jul 27 12:57:56 PDT 2006

John Reimer wrote:
> I think one improvement would be to drop all Fl_* prefixes on class 
> names like FLTK 2.0 does.  I looked and 2.0 and found it world's better 
> looking than the older 1.1.
> Is that possible?

Yes, that would be possible. I do agree on the looks. My original idea 
was to do the port as compatible as possible, so that existing FLTK apps 
can be easily ported, which is why I left the original class names alone.

I am still not a hundred percent familiar with the "module" keyword full 
names. My first choice would be to map class names like this: (best of 
both worlds)

   C++:           D:

   Fl_Window  ->  fl.Window (or just Window, if no name conflict)
   Fl_Group   ->  fl.Group
   fl_draw()  ->  fl.draw()

How would I implement this, assuming the fltk path would be for example:


and using

   import gui.fl.window;

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