Listener output

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Sat Apr 19 15:01:43 PDT 2008

Barry Denton wrote:
> Barry Denton Wrote:
>> Jarrett Billingsley Wrote:
>>> "Barry Denton" <basse42 at> wrote in message 
>>> news:fubgb0$22go$1 at
>>>> I have a Listener added to a button as so :-
>>>> button.addListener(DWT.Selection, new class Listener {
>>>>        void handleEvent(Event event) {
>>>>            itemWords [5] = "item has changed " ;//~ 
>>>> System.currentTimeMillis();
>>>>            minitable.clear(5);  }  });
>>>> When pressed the button outputs this:-
>>>> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=13 Button {Change item} 
>>>> time=1679601378 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
>>>> .
>>>> Now all is as it should be except for the  {missing or misplaced '}'}
>>> Tango's formatting uses a pair of curly braces like "{}".  Your output is 
>>> supposed to go "{Event {type=13....", but Tango sees the opening '{', tries 
>>> to parse it as a format specifier, and fails, leaving you with an error 
>>> message embedded in the output.
>>> The question I have is: where is this output being generated?  This code 
>>> doesn't seem to generate it.
>>> I ask because it's a simple fix: instead of doing something like 
>>> "Stdout.formatln(x.toString())", just use "Stdout.formatln("{}", x)", that 
>>> is, escape the string by making it a parameter to be formatted. 
>> Thanks but this did not work .Did I mess it up?
>>  button.addListener(DWT.Selection, new class Listener {
>>         void handleEvent(Event event) {
>>             itemWords [5] = ("item has changed " ~ clock.stringof~"  "~ cast(char)clock);
>>             Stdout.formatln("{}""{}" ,event.mangleof, event.stringof).newline;
>>             Stdout.formatln("{}""{}" ,clock.mangleof, clock.stringof).newline;
>>             Stdout.print(itemWords).newline;
>>             minitable.clear(5); 
> Tried this but still there
> button.addListener(DWT.Selection, new class Listener {
>         void handleEvent(Event event) {
>             itemWords [5] = ("item has changed " ~ clock.stringof~"  "~ cast(char)clock);
>             Stdout.formatln("{}""{}" ,event.mangleof, event.stringof).newline;
>             Stdout.formatln("{}""{}" ,clock.mangleof, clock.stringof).newline;
>             Stdout.formatln("{}",event);
>             Stdout.print(itemWords).newline;
>             minitable.clear(5); 
> Output
> C3dwt7widgets5Event5Eventevent
> PS5tango4time9WallClock9WallClockclock
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=13 Button {Change item at index 5} time=1753196186 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}
> [ item 0  , item 1  , item 2  , item 3  , item 4  , item has changed clock  , item 6  , item 7  , item 8  , item 9   ]
> Event {missing or misplaced '}'}Event {type=36 Table {} time=1753196186 data={null} x=0 y=0 width=0 height=0 detail=0}

The problem is in dwt's dwt/widgets/Event.d, toString method:

override public char[] toString () {
     return Format( "Event {type={} {} time={} data={} x={} y={} 
width={} height={} detail={}}",
         type, widget, time, data, x, y, width, height, detail ); 
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It needs to escape the first and last '{'s.
Can you fix it, Frank?


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