DWT Forms Icons

Tim M tim.matthews7 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 17:31:12 PDT 2008

Frank Benoit Wrote:

> Tim M schrieb:
> > Hi I decided to port one of my programs from dfl to dwt and haven't
> > yet been liking it one bit. My program went from 339K to 2.81M, the
> > code is much more complex, at lot more imports and takes longer to
> > compile its taken me a long time and a lot of confusion and I still
> > don't see the point of listeners when in dfl all i have to do is:
> > myButton.click ~= &generateKey; It seems like a step backwards or
> > wrong direction for me and I spent nearly a whole day trying to get
> > my icon display.
> I think its worth that.
> What you get with DWT is cross plattform and a fast growing code base.
> That would not be possible if those functionality would be implemented
> by that few people. Porting is a much easier task.
> Instead of implementing listener classes you can use the dgListener
> template function.
> myButton.addListener(DWT.Selection, dgListener( (Event e){ /+ ... +/ });
> In comparison to a direct delegate the dgLister has the advantage that
> it can be curried with additional arguments.
> myButton.addListener(DWT.Selection, dgListener( (Event e, MyType myval
> ){ /+ ... +/ }, val);
> 'val' is now stored in the internal generated Listener class and passed
> to the delegate as the myval argument.
> > Anyway I compile the program and link it with the resource and the
> > icon is visible on the taskbar but i couldn't get it to display in
> > the top left corner of the app. I've tried a lot and I think it has
> > something to do with dwtx.jface.resources but i couldn't figure it
> > out. Please help.
> With resource you mean a windows resource?
> DWT does not make use of that resources. The Java original does not
> compile to exe files, so there are no linked resources.
> To set the window icon see Shell.setImage(s)
> For more help, please post a reduced simple compilable example code
> (perhaps screenshot) that demonstrates the problem.

I found the shell.setImage really fast but I couldn't figure out where to get the image. In the examples I saw an import statement with an image file that is cast. Do you know of any better way?

Also I really hope dfl and the other gui toolkits dont die (thats if they are still alive right now). AFAIK swt is not gc handled memory which is not something you'd expect for something so big, clunky and slow.

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