DWT Forms Icons

torhu no at spam.invalid
Mon Sep 8 07:17:43 PDT 2008

Frank Benoit wrote:
> torhu schrieb:
>> I think there's a way to get the resource data for the icon by using the
>> Windows API, but I didn't bother to figure it out.  I just used the
>> import("icon.png") trick.  Of course, that means you have to include the
>> image file twice in the execuable...
> Why do you need to load it twice?
> If I use shell.setImage it is visible in both, the taskbar and the
> window title. I do not use/link the icon as a windows resource.

I don't think Explorer will pick it up unless it's the first icon 
resource in the file.  So it won't be used on the quick launch bar and 
the desktop, etc.

If someone spends some time on figuring out how to load icon resources 
into a DWT Image object, I'll be happy to switch to using that. But the 
Windows API can be a pain to use, so I didn't think it worth it when I 
had a look at it a while back.

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