DWT2 Windows building error

davidl davidl at 126.com
Mon Mar 23 04:21:47 PDT 2009

在 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:16:25 +0800,davidl <davidl at 126.com> 写道:

> 在 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:01:56 +0800,davidl <davidl at 126.com> 写道:
>> 在 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:24:18 +0800,Frank Benoit  
>> <keinfarbton at googlemail.com> 写道:
>>> yidabu schrieb:
>>>> On Sun, 22 Mar 2009 10:38:54 +0100
>>>> Frank Benoit <keinfarbton at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> yidabu schrieb:
>>>>>> how to building lib file on Windows?
>>>>>> Run Rake, obj fiels generated, Should I to run "lib a.obj b.obj  
>>>>>> ...." to generated dwt2.lib?
>>>>> Building libs and apps is not yet integrated. At the moment i just  
>>>>> use
>>>>> it to compile.
>>>> Is it the time to use dwt2 instead of dwt-win to build app?
>>> The rakefile can now build the snippets on windows. So I think it  
>>> should
>>> be possible to build apps also.
>>> I think compile time and exe size went down, but i haven't measured.
>> The clean target is somewhat stupid ;) I need to fake files for it to  
>> clean.
>> Also
>> My rakefile need this line:
>> rspfile_abs = File.expand_path( RSPNAME )
>> Don't know why it's gone.
>> It's cool that the executable size goes down.
> ah, sorry, rspfile_abs is required because of my last stupid debugging  
> trace :p
> Maybe it's better make the rake native executable. That would be better  
> for other to test and have fun, or by specifying the rake version.
> I'm using the official bundle. shouldn't the rake be the same as yours  
> x_x ?
> BTW, those snippets work brilliantly. Why does the binary size drop  
> magically?

umm, i used the ruby 1.8.6 one click installer. :D i think that should be  
the problem. Your one supposed to be 1.9.0?

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