DWT building using gdc under Windows

Alexandr Druzhinin drug2004 at bk.ru
Sun Feb 17 03:06:25 PST 2013

16.02.2013 4:15, Jacob Carlborg пишет:
> On 2013-02-15 17:33, Alexandr Druzhinin wrote:
>> Jacob,
>> could you describe in several words the way to add this feature to
>> build.d?
> Unfortunately I have not written build.d, nether the original rake
> script. I can have a look at it tomorrow and see what I can do.
What surprised me is compilation errors using gdc...
gdc is the last build from goshawk 
I'm curious is there these errors using gdc under linux - (I guess no)?
-------------- next part --------------
java/io/ByteArrayInputStream.d:55: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.buf.length - cast(ulong)this.pos) of type ulong to int
java/io/FileInputStream.d:81: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.conduit.read(this.buffer)) of type ulong to int
java/io/InputStream.d:25: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (b.length) of type ulong to int
cc1d.exe: warning: pragma(lib) not implemented
java/lang/String.d:117: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (str.length) of type ulong to int
java/lang/String.d:144: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (indexOf(str,cast(dchar)searched,cast(CaseSensitive)1)) of type long to int
java/lang/String.d:155: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (indexOf(str[cast(ulong)fromIndex..__dollar],cast(dchar)searched,cast(CaseSensitive)1)) of type long to int
java/lang/String.d:175: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (indexOf(str[cast(ulong)fromIndex..__dollar],sub,cast(CaseSensitive)1)) of type long to int
java/lang/String.d:183: Error: function java.lang.String.lastIndexOf (const(char[]) str, char ch) is not callable using argument types (const(char[]),char,ulong)
java/lang/String.d:183: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (ch) of type char to const(char[])
java/lang/String.d:183: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (str.length - 1LU) of type ulong to int
java/lang/String.d:189: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (str.length - 1LU) of type ulong to int
java/lang/String.d:193: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (lastIndexOf(str[0LU..cast(ulong)(fromIndex + 1)],cast(dchar)ch,cast(CaseSensitive)1)) of type long to int
java/lang/String.d:199: Error: function java.lang.String.lastIndexOf (const(char[]) str, char ch) is not callable using argument types (const(char[]),const(char[]),ulong)
java/lang/String.d:199: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (str.length - sub.length) of type ulong to int
java/lang/String.d:213: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (lastIndexOf(str[0LU..to < __dollar ? to : __dollar],sub,cast(CaseSensitive)1)) of type long to int
java/lang/String.d:577: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.str.length) of type ulong to int
java/lang/StringBuffer.d:57: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.buffer.offset) of type ulong to int
java/lang/StringBuffer.d:153: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (cast(ulong)start + str.length) of type ulong to int
java/lang/System.d:151: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression ((*& x).toHash()) of type ulong to int
java/lang/util.d:81: Error: function java.lang.util.doVarArgFormat (TypeInfo[] _arguments, char* _argptr) is not callable using argument types (TypeInfo[],string*)
java/lang/util.d:81: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& fmt) of type string* to char*
java/lang/util.d:85: Error: function java.lang.util.doVarArgFormat (TypeInfo[] _arguments, char* _argptr) is not callable using argument types (TypeInfo[],string*)
java/lang/util.d:85: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& fmt) of type string* to char*
java/lang/util.d:89: Error: function java.lang.util.doVarArgFormat (TypeInfo[] _arguments, char* _argptr) is not callable using argument types (TypeInfo[],string*)
java/lang/util.d:89: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& fmt) of type string* to char*
java/lang/util.d:93: Error: function java.lang.util.doVarArgFormat (TypeInfo[] _arguments, char* _argptr) is not callable using argument types (TypeInfo[],string*)
java/lang/util.d:93: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& fmt) of type string* to char*
java/lang/util.d:97: Error: function java.lang.util.doVarArgFormat (TypeInfo[] _arguments, char* _argptr) is not callable using argument types (TypeInfo[],string*)
java/lang/util.d:97: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& fmt) of type string* to char*
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:62: Error: function java.nonstandard.Locale.GetLocaleInfoW (LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, wchar* lpLCData, int cchData) is not callable using argument types (LCID,LCTYPE,wchar*,ulong)
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:63: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (buf.length) of type ulong to int
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:71: Error: function java.nonstandard.Locale.GetLocaleInfoW (LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, wchar* lpLCData, int cchData) is not callable using argument types (LCID,LCTYPE,wchar*,ulong)
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:72: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (buf.length) of type ulong to int
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:89: Error: template instance java.nonstandard.Locale.caltureNameImpl!(wchar,GetLocaleInfoW) error instantiating
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:62: Error: function java.nonstandard.Locale.GetLocaleInfoA (LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, const(char)* lpLCData, int cchData) is not callable using argument types (LCID,LCTYPE,char*,ulong)
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:63: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (buf.length) of type ulong to int
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:71: Error: function java.nonstandard.Locale.GetLocaleInfoA (LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, const(char)* lpLCData, int cchData) is not callable using argument types (LCID,LCTYPE,char*,ulong)
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:72: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (buf.length) of type ulong to int
java/nonstandard/Locale.d:91: Error: template instance java.nonstandard.Locale.caltureNameImpl!(char,GetLocaleInfoA) error instantiating
java\nonstandard\UtfBase.d:193: Error: cannot cast from ulong to UTF8index
java\nonstandard\UtfBase.d:274: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (count(s)) of type ulong to int
java\nonstandard\UtfBase.d:371: Error: cannot cast from ulong to UTF8shift
java\nonstandard\UtfBase.d:274: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (count(s)) of type ulong to int
java/util/ArrayList.d:25: Error: template java.lang.System.System.arraycopy does not match any function template declaration
java\lang\System.d:113: Error: template java.lang.System.System.arraycopy(T) cannot deduce template function from argument types !()(Object[],int,Object[],int,ulong)
java/util/ArrayList.d:37: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.data.length) of type ulong to uint
java/util/ArrayList.d:112: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (i) of type ulong to int
java/util/ArrayList.d:118: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (i) of type ulong to int
java/util/ArrayList.d:151: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (i) of type ulong to int
java/util/ArrayList.d:157: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (i) of type ulong to int
java/util/ArrayList.d:212: Error: template java.lang.System.System.arraycopy does not match any function template declaration
java\lang\System.d:113: Error: template java.lang.System.System.arraycopy(T) cannot deduce template function from argument types !()(Object[],int,Object[],int,ulong)
java/util/ArrayList.d:253: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.data.length) of type ulong to int
java/util/Collections.d:356: Error: function java.util.List.List.set (int index, Object element) is not callable using argument types (ulong,Object)
java/util/Collections.d:356: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (data.length - 1LU - cast(ulong)idx) of type ulong to int
java/util/Hashtable.d:142: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.map.length()) of type ulong to int
java/util/Timer.d:44: Error: template java.lang.System.System.arraycopy does not match any function template declaration
java\lang\System.d:113: Error: template java.lang.System.System.arraycopy(T) cannot deduce template function from argument types !()(TimerTask[],int,TimerTask[],int,ulong)
java/util/Vector.d:52: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (this.vect.length) of type ulong to int
java/util/zip/DeflaterOutputStream.d:119: Error: function java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream.DeflaterOutputStream.write (int b) is not callable using argument types (const(byte[]),int,ulong)
java/util/zip/DeflaterOutputStream.d:119: Error: function java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream.DeflaterOutputStream.write (const(byte[]) b, int off, int len) is not callable using argument types (const(byte[]),int,ulong)
java/util/zip/DeflaterOutputStream.d:119: Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (b.length) of type ulong to int

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