Installation of DWT requires a <B>D 1.x compiler</B>, and <B>Tango</B>. <B>Mercurial</B> and <B>DSSS</B> are also highly recommended.
<OL type="A">
<LI> <B>Install D 1.x Compiler</B><br>
There are several ways to get the D compiler. Two possible ways are:
<LI> Download from DigitalMars (<A href="http://www.digitalmars.com/d/download.html">http://www.digitalmars.com/d/download.html</A>) (Current version 1.028)
<LI> Download Tango bundled with DMD - (<A href="http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/wiki/DmdDownloads">http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/wiki/DmdDownloads</A>). If you choose this option, obviously you can skip step B below, installing Tango.<br>
Hints on installing DMD:
<LI> Put the DMD files in a directory path without spaces
<LI> Put dmd/bin in some environment variable to be able to access DMD from the command line/terminal
<LI><B>Install Tango</B><br>
Instructions for installing Tango are here: http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/wiki/TopicInstallTango
<LI><B>Install DSSS</B><br>
<OL type="1">
<LI> Download latest DSSS - http://svn.dsource.org/projects/dsss/downloads/
<LI> Unpack DSSS in directory path without spaces
<LI> Put dsss/bin in some environment variable to be able to access DSSS from the command line/terminal
<LI> Open dsss/etc/rebuild/default with a text editor
<LI> Change to one of the following:
<LI> profile=dmd-win-tango
<LI> profile=dmd-posix-tango
<LI> Change the oneatatime option in the DSSS compiler profile (dmd-win-tango or dmd-posix-tango) to oneatatime=off (twice) (Recommended for faster builds)
<LI> <B>Install Mercurial</B><br>
For more info see here - http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwt/wiki/AccessMercurialRepo
<LI> <B>Install DWT</B><br>
<OL type="1">
<LI> In the command line/terminal change to the directory you want to download DWT to
<LI> Download DWT by running from the command line one of the following commands:
hg clone http://hg.dsource.org/projects/dwt-linux
hg clone http://hg.dsource.org/projects/dwt-win
<LI> (Windows only) Download some additional libraries and put them in dmd/lib - [http://downloads.dsource.org/projects/dwt/dwt-win-importlibs.zip dwt-win-importlibs.zip]
<LI> In the command line/terminal, change into the newly created directory dwt-linux or dwt-win
<LI> Run "dsss build" to build DWT
<LI> Run "dsss install" to install DWT. After the installation process you should be able to build a dwt application with dsss anywhere in your system and you DON'T have to rename anything.
<LI> <B>Testing your DWT installation</B><br>
<OL type="1">
<LI> You can test DWT with the following example:
module main;
import dwt.widgets.Display;
import dwt.widgets.Shell;
void main ()
        Display display = new Display;
        Shell shell = new Shell(display);
        shell.setText = "Hello DWT World";
        while (!shell.isDisposed)
                if (!display.readAndDispatch)
<LI> Put the above code in a new file "main.d" into another directory
<LI> Create a minimal file named "dsss.conf" in the same directory as above
<LI> Run "dsss build" in the same directory as above
In case you get linker errors verify:
<LI> on windows, that the location of the import libs is known to dsss also. To be sure you can give that path to dsss with -S"path"
<LI> that you did "dsss install" after building dwt
<LI> Run main