VisualD IDE for Windows Visual Studio

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Thu Jun 17 00:28:53 PDT 2010

Larry Luther wrote:
> The IDE question has appeared multiple times.
> If using Windows, my recommendation is VisualD for MS Visual Studio.
> I've had difficulties with SlickEdit, D-IDE, and Eclipse plug ins.
> VisualD:
>   * All the features of typical C++ development and debugging.
>   * Good editor
>   * D 2.0 support
>   * Single step debugging.
>   * Breakpoints etc.
>   * Examine variables while single stepping.
>   * Pausing over variables reveals their value.

Thanks for promoting Visual D :-)

>   * The only thing negative I've noticed is that the
>     symbolic names of enum variables are not printed out.

I've been looking into it: even though the enum type is specified in the 
debug info, the variables type information is lost somewhere in the code 
generation stages of DMD. I'm trying to create a patch...


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