BITPROX Development Environment 1.0 Beta 1

Alex Makhotin alex at
Wed May 5 20:23:43 PDT 2010


Ellery Newcomer wrote:
> Well, that was a bugger to install (fedora 12 x86_64)
> yum gtk2.i686
> mod to /etc/
> # /sbin/ldconfig
> And it works! (for some reason LD_LIBRARY_PATH didn't seem to have any 
> effect)

That's because of missing appropriate 32-bit libraries.

> create workspace, create project, import source directory? With these 
> IDEs I'm always afraid they're going to do something weird with my 
> source code.. 

You should make a backup in case of undefined behavior, however the 
'Import Directory' operation only adds references to the actual files.

> Compiling. one. file. at. a. time. Is there a way to give all the files 
> to dmd at once?

No there's no way in this release.

> In the compiler window, it only shows the name of the file being 
> compiled. Is there an option to show the full package of the file? 
> (without the package part, many of my modules share the same name)

Not this time.

> No autoindent in editor? Oh, I get it. It just doesn't understand vim's 
> indenting. Any way to format?
> I like the source code coloring. It's quite pleasant compared to vim's. 
> I don't think comments and string literals should share the same color, 
> though.
> also, you seem to be missing the /+ +/ comments
> doesn't color 'invariant', does color 'string' but not 'wstring' or 
> 'dstring'
> doesn't color #line
> It'd be nice if it emboldened the escape sequences inside string 
> literals, e.g. "\u0000", since I often forget how many digits need to 
> follow \u vs \U, etc.
> missing wysiwyg string literals, hex string literals, character literals

I will look on that.

> when I type something like
> wagga w;
> it says `Identifier 'wagga' is not defined`
> and then it says `Wagga is used as a type` (note the capitalization 
> which is going to annoy the bejeebers out of me)

The intention was to make an error message to start from the capital 
letter. Now it doesn't work in all cases, will remove this .

> Ooo.. And when you cancel build, build, it restarts the build from 
> scratch. Here we go again.

No, incremental compilation is not performed.
However, it's possible to rebuild single source and append resulting
object code to the target image. You can do this by opening context menu
in the source tree on the exact file and selecting menu 'Build'.
In this case, however, the result may be broken because of module 
dependencies(which may require whole recompilation).

> Error: Cannot find GDB Debugger executable (gdb).

You must set the path to the GDB in the Settings->Options dialog in the 
debugging section. Did you read the readme file?

Thanks for the feedback.

Alex Makhotin,
the founder of BITPROX,

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