Qt Creator with D

Matthias Pleh gonzo at web.at
Wed Oct 13 14:20:36 PDT 2010

Am 13.10.2010 22:52, schrieb Anders F Björklund:
> Matthias Pleh wrote:
>>> I just used "dmd -X" and QJson for analyzing D, it would also need a
>>> http://doc.trolltech.com/stable/qsyntaxhighlighter.html implemented.
>> Syntaxhighlighting and code-folding is already working through the
>> generichighlighter:
>> http://www.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?efbefe290f.png
> Cool, don't think that was available in Qt 4.6 and Qt Creator 1.3...
> http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/09/16/generic-highlighter-in-qt-creator/
> But for Qt 4.7 it could be an option, if sufficiently advanced for D2 ?
the generic-highlighter is based on kate an realy powerful. The 
xml-definitionfile, I have used, is taken from the KatePart project and 
alredy mature. (for example nested comments with /++/ is already working!)

> There is also http://srchiliteqt.sourceforge.net/ available under GPL.
>>> http://gitorious.org/qt-creator
>>> http://gitorious.org/qjson
>>> If someone is interested in continuing this, then please contact me...
>> I've also worked on a plugin with D-projectmanagment for Qt-Creator ,
>> but I've halted the work, cause lack of time.
>> But I would be interrested, to share my work or help on an existing
>> project.
> You should push it to gitorious.org, like I will do with my own hacks.
> I don't have the time to do it, so someone will need to pick it up...
That's the reason, I've halted my project ... lack of time :(
>> Are you still working on this D-support in Qt-Creator?
> I just wanted to get it all started, as an alternative for using QtD.
> Don't think I will look at it again until DMD (or better yet GDC/LDC)
> supports 64-bit and D2, to avoiding needing a 32-bit chroot for it...
> Otherwise I could be just as well be using wxWidgets and Code::Blocks.
I know, you're also active on the Code::Blocks forum ... (we have 
already discused there :) )
> I'm sure that neither will be "enough", since they are written in C++,
> but should fill the gaping hole for now... D *needs* a GUI and an IDE.
Yep, that's my thought
> --anders

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