DDT 0.4.2 released

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Fri Apr 29 09:55:09 PDT 2011

DDT 0.4.2 has been released.

Software Update Site: http://ddt.eclipselabs.org.codespot.com/hg.updates/


== DDT 0.4.2 (2011-04-29) ==
  * Fixed #33, bug with spaces in projects names: made all variables in 
DMD response file resolve to quote escaped values.
  * Fixed bug where all D comments where considered DDoc comments for 
documentation hover.
  * Fixed limitation where problem hovers where not more prioritary than 
documentation hovers.
  * Fixed #37: F2 always brings up empty documentation hover.
  * Fixed #38: autocomplete crashing / very slow. (Content Assist takes 
very long to show up when many completion options are available)
  * Added support for editor code templates in Content Assist.
  * Fixed bug in cast expression, where the cast type reference was 
ignored by the parser/semantic-engine;
  * Fixed bug where DDoc comments where not associated with the 
corresponding symbol definition if that definition had protection, 
storage, linkage, or certain other kinds of attributes;
  * Implemented #35: format immutable keyword and @annotations.
     * Added (nothrow, pure, shared, immutable) keywords to syntax coloring
     * Added @annotations to syntax coloring (spaces after @ not 
supported, any identifier accepted)
     * Changed syntax coloring example in preferences
  * Fixed minor Content Assist bug where completions would not appear 
when requested on certain syntax errors.

Also I've chosen to move the DDT discussion forum from the DSource 
forums to a Google Groups:

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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