Emacs or Vi? Why the answer is neither.

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+d at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 18:40:53 PDT 2011

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011 20:32:09 +0100, Robert Clipsham wrote:

>> I don't claim to know the ins and outs of an IDE, but you haven't
>> convinced me. Vim's understanding of the code is zero, the closest
>> thing it has is the ability to navigate tags which are generated by
>> ctags. It only works for navigation and those languages supported by
>> the program (just like an IDE). But some things, like a Type Hierarchy
>> and Outline should be created by the documentation generator.
> Actually, this is incorrect -
> http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3302 - With this plugin,
> vim has full semantic completion for C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++.

Well, I'm not sure if that makes my statement incorrect. Vim still 
doesn't understand the code. It does work well with external programs 
(ctags, and clang in this case), which I was avoiding going over since it 
isn't Vim and they can sometimes either be a PITA to setup, use, or find.

I suppose one point I forgot to comment on: "If all the best shortcuts 
are taken for text operations, and little is left for semantic 
operations, or for that matter, for other language toolchain 
functionality (like building, debugging), that is clearly suboptimal."

Vim has no concept of a "best shortcut" they are all equal and by no 
means are they all taken up. I don't even know of a command that combines 
shift and ctrl. And it is clearly easy to build the program :make

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