DMD-2.065.0-b3 and VisualD x64 select optlink as linker

Arjan arjan at
Mon Feb 10 05:56:09 PST 2014

I Installed the dmd-2.065.0-b3.exe on Window-7 (64bits) with 
VS2008 (64bits) professional and VS2010Express(32bits) installed.

The setup asks to which VS installs VisualD should be integrated, 
I checked VS2008 but the sc.ini file had the path refering the 
VS2010 dirs.

After correcting the sc.ini file to refer the VS2008 and SDK6.0A 
paths DMD64 cmd prompt worked correct. (invoking the correct ms 
link.exe and linking the correct libs).

Testing the VisualD plugin in VS2008 however works for 32 bits 
but fails for x64.
It somehow always uses optlink. (link.exe from dm)

How do I fix this?

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