No intellisense in latest VisualD

Frustrated c1514843 at
Thu Jan 9 03:40:47 PST 2014

There is absolutely no intellisense in latest Visual D for 

I have an interface in a module and reference it in main(). When 
I try to access a member from it using either ctrl-space after 
the . nothing shows up. If I change to show when typing the ., 
nothing shows up.

Is intellisense broke, or does visual D even show it.

Note that if I type ctrl-space after an identifier something does 
pop up but it's just the name of the id.

if I put a class in the main project then type . after it, a list 
of all the local variables will show up BUT not the members(seems 
like there is an issue with the "level" of scope.


class a { int x; }

void main()
    auto a = new a;
    auto b = new a;
    a.    // shows a and b after typing . but not x like it should

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