VisualD's Intellisense not workign with gtk

Johnson via Digitalmars-d-ide digitalmars-d-ide at
Thu Aug 10 06:47:06 PDT 2017

On Thursday, 10 August 2017 at 07:05:26 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
> On 06.08.2017 21:27, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
>>> ------------------------------Part 
>>> 2----------------------------
>>> I just tried downloading the source code and get >
>>> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
>>> Studio\2017\Enterprise\\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
>>> when building build.
>> I suspect Visual D doesn't build out of the box with VS2017. I 
>> still use VS2013 to avoid dependencies in the resulting 
>> binaries on newer versions.
> I have updated the build scripts and the C to D conversion to 
> also work with VS2017 and Windows SDK 10.0.15063.0.

Awesome! I think I got it to build!

I had a few issues. I still had to fix a few hard coded paths I 
listed above(I think it was mainly the tools/build.bat:

c:\d\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe -g tlb2idl.d oleaut32.lib uuid.lib 
snn.lib kernel32.lib
if errorlevel 1 goto xit
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualD\cv2pdb\cv2pdb.exe" -D1 
tlb2idl.exe tlb2idl_pdb.exe

which had hard coded paths for dmd2 and cv2pdb.

A new issue was with

Must fix up vsct or add proper vssdk path to visuald.visualdproj:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 

here: (my modified version)

<File path="Resources\pkgcmd.vsct" customcmd="set 
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set 
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set 
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set 
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set 
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set 
VSSDKInstall=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
Studio\2017\Enterprise\VSSDK\ <- this line
set VSCT=%VSSDKInstall%\VisualStudioIntegration\Tools\Bin\VSCT.exe
set VSCT=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
if not exist "%VSCT%" goto no_VSCT
"%VSCT%" $(InputPath) $(InputDir)\$(InputName).cto 
goto reportError

which was generating like (premod)

set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual 
Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.10.25017\bin\HostX86\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86;C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin;%PATH%
set VSSDKInstall=%VSSDK140Install%
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set VSSDKInstall=%VSSDK120Install%
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set VSSDKInstall=%VSSDK110Install%
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set VSSDKInstall=%VSSDK100Install%
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set VSSDKInstall=%VSSDK90Install%
if "%VSSDKInstall%" == "" set VSSDKInstall=C:\l\vssdk
set VSCT=%VSSDKInstall%\VisualStudioIntegration\Tools\Bin\VSCT.exe

So, I guess VSSDKx0Install isn't set on my system because it was 
always looking for vsct in C:\l\vssdk.

Fix that and everything built!

Now the question is, what do I do with this? Is there any 
automated way to update VisualD after a build or someway to 
simultaneously debug visualD when something happens in another 

Basically, how to make it all seamless debug app/fix visualD 
cycle? Or do you just manually do all the work? I figure copying 
visualD over to the install dir requires stopping VS since 
visualD.dll and others will probably be in use. It would be nice, 
say, to be able to break in to visualD's source when debugging to 
to get at specific parts of visual D like how it displays watches 
so I can more quickly fix things rather than having to learn how 
visual D is put together before I actually start investigating 
issues or enhancements.

Thanks again! Maybe I can contribute a little to Visual D in the 
future ;)

I saw all your other replies, thanks! I got them. I might reply 
to a few later if I get some time.

I'll spend a little time trying to figure out what's going on and 
how visual D is setup and where the main bulk of the code for 
visual studio exists and hopefully it will make enough sense to 
get somewhere.


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