Visual D issues and suggestions

John Chapman johnch_atms at
Sun Oct 21 10:11:32 UTC 2018

Rainer, you may have a lot of these on your to-do list, but I've 
been noting some of the minor issues I've come across using 
Visual D and it might be useful for future releases.

* The Intellisense list for __traits needs updating inline with 
the spec.
* Remove obsolete "classinfo" from completion list.
* Add "typeof" keyword to completion list.
* Show completion list when typing UDAs.
* Support new contract expressions (and upcoming mixin tuple 
* Indent function bodies correctly when generating overrides.
* Indenting for enum members is sometimes too much.
* Tooltips on token-string literals adds a lot of extra spacing 
between symbols.
* Tooltips that show documentation can have excessive line breaks.
* Tooltips on variables repeat attributes - eg, "private int 
length;" produces "private private(int) [parent].length" instead 
of perhaps "(variable) private int [parent].length".
* Remove duplicated/disabled entries for "New filter"/"New 
folder" in Solution Explorer > context menu > Add.
* Fix Visual D Search text boxes and buttons for high DPI 

* Add option to not indent switch case labels.
* Add refactoring/renaming support.
* When insertion point is inside variable or type name, highlight 
* For Visual D projects, include option to compile/link in single 
* Automatically include modules in the current project as 
candidates for completion - I seem to have to add my project 
folders to Visual D Settings > DMD Directories > Import paths
* Colourise type names and UDAs in editor.
* C#-style formatting and colourisation in tooltips.
* Ctrl-click for "Go to definition".
* When user declares variables, suggest possible names based on 
type - eg, a variable of type "FontFaceReference" pops up a list 
including "fontFaceReference", "fontFace" and "reference".
* Fade out unused imports.

Hope this is useful.

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