Could Visual D remember expansion of debug watch variables?

Michelle Long HappyDance321 at
Wed Oct 24 18:47:31 UTC 2018

Sometimes I have a deep nesting of a variable that I have to 
expand many times to find some member to check the variable.

Each time I debug I have to spend about 30 seconds digging in to 
the variable in the watch window.

Could Visual D remember the previous run's expansion of variables 
and attempt to auto expand them when the next debug occurs? It 
would need to scroll to whatever variable was being viewed last 
too, and not just percent window in case new variables were added.

The idea is to sort of make it so that the watch window sorta of 
changes as little as possible between runs so no time has to be 
wasted each time. It's not so bad most of the time but in some 
cases it really adds to the time to debug.

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