Mixin analysis support for templated arguments possible?

jacobkemple jacobkemple at outlook.com
Fri Mar 1 20:17:39 UTC 2019

So below, if I type  "t." in visual D pops intellisense parses it 
right and it shows example1 as a ubyte, however, if I set it to 
lets say foo!T[] (or anything else templated) intellisense breaks 
support for mixins in this situation despite the code working.

mixin template StructVar(int offset, T, string name)
     mixin("struct {"
           ~ "private ubyte[" ~ offset.stringof ~ "] _;"
           ~ T.stringof ~ " " ~ name ~ ";"
           ~ "}");

     struct TestStruct
             mixin StructVar!(0x10, ubyte, "example1");

     TestStruct t;
     t.example1 = 0x71;

Future support possible or is it a bug by any chance? Looked at 
the code on github but fairly complicated to dive into mixin 
analysis wise.

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