LDC2 compiled with MSVC forces object files to end with .obj

Dwhatever not at real.com
Sat Dec 21 06:31:24 PST 2013

I use a Visual Studio compiled LDC2 and use it for cross 
compiling ARM targets. I need to use the binutils linker and 
there the default object file extension is .o rather than .obj. 
Is there a possibility for LDC2 to output the default object file 
extension to .o instead of .obj?

Right now I just do a rename in the makefile but it would be nice 
if LDC2 could do this directly.

BTW. The binary version of LDC2 compiled with MSVC on this site 
is compiled as a Debug version. This makes it dependent on 
MSVCP110D.dll which is not provided in the redistributable C++ 
libraries. I've successfully compiled it as Release and it is 
also way faster because the run time checks are disabled. In the 
future, compile it as Release instead.

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