Preview: LDC2 on Windows 64bit with SEH support

Kai Nacke kai at
Sun May 26 10:58:45 PDT 2013

On Sunday, 26 May 2013 at 13:28:13 UTC, Michael wrote:
> How to create custom ini settings file?

The ini file is ldc2.conf and located in the etc folder. You can 
either change this file or create your own. The current search 
order on Windows is:

- the current working directory
- in same directory as ldc2.exe
- <path of ldc2.exe>\..\etc
- path specified in registry key 
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ldc-developers\LDC\0.11.0\Path (this is subject to 

Inside the ldc2.conf there is 1 variable which could be used:

%%ldcbinarypath%% is replaced with the absolute path of ldc2.exe

The lines inside the switches block are simply appended to the 
command line. You can add everything which is also valid on the 
command line.


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