Test results for D on Android/ARM

Nick Sabalausky via digitalmars-d-ldc digitalmars-d-ldc at puremagic.com
Mon Nov 2 05:58:09 PST 2015

Ran the full test suite, not all passed.

Android: v4.1.2
Device: SCH-I535 (Samsung Galaxy S3 Verizon)
Chipset: Snapdragon S4 Plus

It is rooted, FWIW.

0.001s PASS core.atomic
0.090s PASS core.bitop
0.000s PASS core.checkedint
0.009s PASS core.memory
0.000s PASS core.exception
0.000s PASS core.math
0.003s PASS core.demangle
0.734s PASS core.time
0.636s PASS core.thread
0.000s PASS core.internal.convert
0.018s PASS core.internal.hash
0.000s PASS core.sync.config
0.011s PASS core.sync.mutex
0.022s PASS core.sync.condition
0.002s PASS core.sync.barrier
0.013s PASS core.sync.rwmutex
0.000s PASS core.sys.posix.sys.select
0.306s PASS object
0.000s PASS rt.aaA
0.001s PASS rt.arraybyte
0.000s PASS rt.arrayassign
0.000s PASS rt.cover
0.000s PASS rt.arraycast
0.000s PASS rt.minfo
0.003s PASS rt.arraydouble
0.000s PASS rt.qsort
0.000s PASS rt.typeinfo.ti_Aint
0.003s PASS rt.adi
0.035s PASS rt.lifetime
0.000s PASS rt.monitor_
0.000s PASS rt.arrayreal
0.001s PASS rt.arrayfloat
0.000s PASS rt.util.string
0.009s PASS rt.util.utf
0.000s PASS rt.util.hash
0.299s PASS rt.util.container.treap
0.000s PASS rt.util.container.hashtab
0.000s PASS rt.util.container.array
0.000s PASS rt.util.typeinfo
0.001s PASS rt.arrayshort
0.000s PASS rt.aApply
0.000s PASS rt.switch_
0.004s PASS rt.arrayint
0.000s PASS rt.aApplyR
0.000s PASS gc.config
0.000s PASS gc.gc
0.000s PASS gc.bits
0.000s PASS gc.pooltable
0.000s PASS std.typetuple
0.057s PASS std.format
0.349s PASS std.conv
39.613s PASS std.random
0.697s PASS std.uni
0.018s PASS std.encoding
0.030s PASS std.zip
0.043s PASS std.variant
****** FAIL std.mmfile
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
****** FAIL std.path
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
****** FAIL std.process
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
15.633s PASS std.datetime
****** FAIL std.cstream
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.002s PASS std.meta
****** FAIL std.socket
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.000s PASS std.signals
0.000s PASS std.typelist
0.000s PASS std.outbuffer
****** FAIL std.stdio
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.017s PASS std.csv
0.011s PASS std.xml
0.003s PASS std.mathspecial
0.014s PASS std.exception
0.005s PASS std.math
0.049s PASS std.uuid
0.155s PASS std.string
0.002s PASS std.traits
0.003s PASS std.ascii
0.000s PASS std.complex
0.004s PASS std.functional
0.015s PASS std.typecons
0.006s PASS std.getopt
0.032s PASS std.utf
1.287s PASS std.uri
****** FAIL std.stream
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.023s PASS std.concurrency
0.010s PASS std.bitmanip
0.046s PASS std.array
0.017s PASS std.bigint
****** FAIL std.base64
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.116s PASS std.zlib
****** FAIL std.parallelism
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.004s PASS std.json
0.003s PASS std.numeric
****** FAIL std.file
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.057s PASS std.algorithm.searching
0.016s PASS std.algorithm.setops
0.004s PASS std.algorithm.mutation
0.022s PASS std.algorithm.sorting
0.004s PASS std.algorithm.comparison
0.025s PASS std.algorithm.iteration
0.000s PASS std.container
0.034s PASS std.container.util
0.000s PASS std.container.binaryheap
0.059s PASS std.container.rbtree
0.004s PASS std.container.array
0.000s PASS std.container.slist
0.000s PASS std.container.dlist
0.117s PASS std.digest.md
0.048s PASS std.digest.crc
0.137s PASS std.digest.ripemd
2.660s PASS std.digest.sha
0.211s PASS std.digest.digest
0.000s PASS std.experimental.logger.nulllogger
****** FAIL std.experimental.logger.core
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
****** FAIL std.experimental.logger.filelogger
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
****** FAIL std.experimental.logger.multilogger
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.013s PASS std.net.curl
0.043s PASS std.net.isemail
****** FAIL std.range
std.file.FileException@/home/bert/ldc/runtime/phobos/std/file.d(1802): cannot get cwd: Invalid argument
0.013s PASS std.range.primitives
0.000s PASS std.range.interfaces
0.031s PASS std.regex
0.000s PASS std.regex.internal.ir
0.000s PASS std.regex.internal.backtracking
0.033s PASS std.regex.internal.generator
0.006s PASS std.regex.internal.parser
0.816s PASS std.regex.internal.tests
0.003s PASS std.regex.internal.kickstart
0.000s PASS std.internal.cstring
0.007s PASS std.internal.scopebuffer
0.000s PASS std.internal.math.biguintcore
0.000s PASS std.internal.math.biguintnoasm
0.000s PASS std.internal.math.errorfunction
0.001s PASS std.internal.math.gammafunction

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