Windows --> arm-linux cross compiler and lld

Mike Franklin slavo5150 at
Mon Apr 9 01:45:38 UTC 2018

On Monday, 9 April 2018 at 01:04:51 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

> I suppose even without GCC, itself, LDC would still need the 
> libraries that GCC pulls in automatically (libc, etc.).  Is 
> there any plan to remove the dependency on the GNU toolchain 
> altogether sometime in the future?  Does LLVM have its own 
> implementations of libc or whatever else LDC requires from the 
> GNU toolchain?

Well, actually, I suppose libc, libm, libpthread, and whatever 
else is needed to create a binary is actually provided by the 
target, and not by the GNU toolchain.  I suppose I could copy the 
necessary .a/.o/.so files to the Windows host, but is there some 
way to have ldc invoke lld.exe on the host, or will I have to 
resort to -c (separate compile and link) to avoid having to 
provision a windows GCC toolchain?

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