Docker images for LDC releases?

Jon Degenhardt jond at
Sat Aug 4 18:41:40 UTC 2018

Is there an up-to-date docker image for LDC?

Why I ask: I've been using a dockerized LDC image on TravisCI for 
building public release binaries. The docker image I've been 
using, dlanguage/ldc (, has 
not been updated recently (currently at LDC 1.9).

The reason for using a docker image on Travis is that Travis 
still runs Ubuntu 14.04, and I've had trouble with static linking 
on Ubuntu 14.04. Ubuntu 16.04 works fine 

I can of course create my own docker image supporting the LDC 
version I need, but I'd prefer to use a standard image if one is 
available. I'm guessing too that other people might be interested 
in a docker version as well.


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