Would changing the ldc version numbering to match dmd affect you?

Joakim dlang at joakim.fea.st
Sat Jun 2 11:16:47 UTC 2018

There is a pull under consideration to change ldc's version 
number to match dmd's 2.08x numbering, with a different ldc patch 
version to keep some flexibility, ie ldc 2.080.0 would be 
released with the dmd 2.080.1 frontend instead of the recent 
numbering of ldc 1.9.0 with the dmd 2.079.1 frontend:


If you package ldc for some package repository, as I do with the 
Termux package repository for Android, please chime in if this 
version numbering jump might cause a problem for you, either here 
or on the pull.

If you're a user who might be affected by this, your input is 
welcome too, please chime in here.

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