Getting latest LDC on ARM itself

Joakim dlang at
Mon Mar 26 07:12:50 UTC 2018

On Monday, 26 March 2018 at 06:47:12 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:
> On a Raspberry pi, ARM 32-bit, not 64-bit o/s unfortunately, 
> running Ubuntu, I'm trying to get hold of the latest LDC to run 
> it on ARM itself (ie not cross-compiling from an x86 dev system 
> to an ARM target, but ARM on ARM).
> I did a
>    curl -fsS | bash -s ldc
> but from the script, I get
>     "Unsupported Arch armv7l"
> * I can apt-get some version of LDC, but I don't know how out 
> of date that package might be?

That script doesn't support non-x86/x64 yet, just get the latest 
ldc here:

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