Having issues chasing down a segfault

Philip Pavlick philip at swash.link
Thu Oct 4 07:20:24 UTC 2018

So I have an open-source project that I've been working on.  LDC 
has been my compiler of choice on Windows (32-bit) for a while 
now, but a couple of commits back it started behaving weird.  The 
program compiles just fine without errors, but when attempting to 
run the program a segfault occurs.  This does not happen when 
compiling with DmD.

GDB has been unhelpful with trying to locate the source of the 
problem, and my co-conspirator has been unable to help because 
he's on Linux and doesn't get any errors.  So, the problem is 
either with LDC or with the Visual Studio linker, and I don't 
know how to diagnose from here.

The commit that caused the problem can be found on my GitHub here:

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