if parameter never used, is ldc smart enough to remove it ?

Newbie2019 newbie2019 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 13 06:33:35 UTC 2019

for example:

void  enforce(bool val, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = 
      if( !val ) {
          debug printf("%s, from line %d\n", file.ptr, line);

__gshared int base = 10;
int somefn(int val,  string file = __FILE__, size_t line = 
__LINE__) {
       enforce(val > 0, file, line);
      return val + base  ;

void main(){
      int i = somefn(1);

when build for release, will the parameter reduce into 1 for 
function  somefn && enforce ?

and how to verify this ?

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