How to return GC-d memory back to OS

Karen Lanrap karen at
Fri Aug 4 03:02:03 PDT 2006

Oskar Linde wrote:
> But apart from needing much swap space, there are no draw backs
> of using much virtual memory. The memory you don't use (but
> exists in your virtual address range) will not map to physical
> memory and will not affect your computers performance.

That is not true in general:
| "For the attack to succeed, one needs to find a reliable way to
| force interesting kernel code to be paged out, then find that
| code inside a page file and modify it. And finally, the kernel
| needs to load that code (now modified) again into physical
| memory and execute it,"

---and for the current GC of D it is especially not true, because the 
sweeps of the GC do use the memory.

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