Interdependent modules?

Jeremy Gibson jtgibsontelusnet
Mon Jun 19 23:22:16 PDT 2006

>Note that the -cov option will generate static-ctors, so you have to be 
>aware of that with respect to cyclical imports :)

AHA!  Yep, that'd do it.  I'm still in the scratch-build stage so I've been
compiling with the code coverage enabled in order to ensure that the basic
architecture is being called.  (Only after the basic architecture is implemented
do I implement the actual functionality and content.  I'll probably rebuild half
of it from scratch before I'm done, but damn does it ever feel right to do it
this way. ;-))

I suppose with an adequate testing suite I don't really need the code coverage,
since there's a huge number of functions that're going to be unexecuted now

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