SDL and GC

Mark Harviston infinull at
Mon Mar 27 10:09:52 PST 2006

I'm using the SDL and D to make a simple 2D game.
I'm having trouble with loading Sounds
I'd like to do something like this:

class someobject {
static Mix_Chunk* sound_effect;
static this(){
sound_effect = Mix_LoadWAV("seffect.wav");
int draw(){
//..other code..//
if( Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sound_effect, 0 ) == -1 ) { assert(); }
//..more code..//

but that fails, the sound isn't loaded so I have to do:
class someobject {
static Mix_Chunk* sound_effect;
int draw(){
//..other code..//
if(sound_effect is null) {
sound_effect = Mix_LoadWAV("seffect.wav");
if( Mix_PlayChannel( -1, sound_effect, 0 ) == -1 ) { assert(); }
//..more code..//

do I need to declare the Mix_Chunks as auto?
Is this a GC problem?
Is this and SDL problem?
(for the record I have the same problem with fonts)
I honestly had no clue where to ask this question, I figured this was as 
a good as any.

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